July 10, 2013
Contact: Meghan Cieslak
[email protected]
Electronic Transactions Association Announces Launch of Payments Industry Blog trendsetter
WASHINGTON, DC – The Electronic Transactions Association (ETA), the trade association of the global electronic payments industry, is pleased to announce the launch of its new blog, trendsetter. Through trendsetter, ETA will provide industry insights and unbiased, non-commercial, thought-provoking content on payments and technology trends. You can access trendsetter here:
“Today’s payments professionals don’t always have time to read through the myriad information they receive on issues shaping the payments industry, yet they need to be kept informed,” said Jason Oxman, CEO of ETA. “It’s our goal to provide that information – from political and regulatory analysis to news about the latest trends and technologies – through trendsetter.”
As the preeminent source of thought leadership for the payments industry, trendsetter will leverage the industry insights and expertise of ETA members and stakeholders to produce original, thought-provoking content with unique value that cannot be found elsewhere. Postings will include white papers, articles, interviews and podcasts.
If you are interested in contributing content, please contact Meghan Cieslak, [email protected], for more information and editorial guidelines.
About ETA:
The Electronic Transactions Association is an international trade association representing more than 500 companies that offer electronic transaction processing products and services. ETA’s mission is to advance the payments industry profession by providing leadership through education, advocacy and the exchange of information.