October 22, 2014: EMV – A Road Map Forward: Solutions, Security and Innovaton

[two_third] 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET
FREE for ETA Members & $99 Non-Members [/two_third] [one_third_last] [button color=”blue” link=”http://eo2.commpartners.com/users/eta/session.php?id=14769″ size=”small” target=”_blank” textcolor=”#FFF” texthcolor=”#CCC” bgcolor=”#172652″ align=”right”]REGISTER TODAY![/button] [/one_third_last] David Bibby, EMV Product Manager at Discover, will share his perspective on migrating to EMV, along with his thoughts on other advanced payment technologies including contactless, mobile, HCE, and tokenization.

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EMV Product Manager

David is an EMV Product Manager for Discover and is responsible for the product management team in the EMEA and AP regions. The team is currently delivering the Discover solutions in the contactless, transit and mobile POS spaces.

Before joining Discover in 2013, David worked for Mondex International, Europay, MasterCard and Visa Europe. He has helped to specify contact and contactless EMV payment applications, worked closely with Transport for London and the UK banks on the contactless payment program for the London transit system.

David is an 18-year smart card payments industry veteran and is a graduate of King’s College London.