New Report from The Strawhecker Group
April 28, 2014 -Today, The Strawhecker Group, a management consulting company focused on the global electronic payments industry, published a free report titled “Trend Graphs of Payments Industry Google Search Terms.” This FREE report shows how certain payments industry companies and terms are trending on Google web searches. Categories of research include: mobile card processing, bitcoin, mobile wallets, card brands, public/non-public merchant acquirers, public payments tech companies, retailers, and trending payments topics.
Click here to see the trend graphs.
All graphs are confined to searches done in the United States within the web search option (i.e. not Google News or Images) between April 21st and April 28th 2014. Graphs do not represent absolute search volume numbers, because the data is normalized and presented on a scale from 0-100. Each point on the graph is divided by the highest point, or 100. When there is not enough data, 0 is shown.