Older Users Make More Smartphone Purchases Than Millennials

Mobile shopping via smartphone is more popular among older users than the young, according to a RadiumOne survey of 320 U.S. adult smartphone users. Just 15 percent of users aged 18 to 24, the least active group, made a mobile purchase over the last six months as compared to 36 percent of those aged 45 to 54. Out of all adult smartphone users, 61 percent made at least one purchase during the same time period and 73 percent of those buyers made four or more purchases. RadiumOne says the data shows that marketers can not only consider mobile an effective awareness medium, but also now a medium that compels consumers to act. “Consumers do engage, provided brands reach them in the proper context and geography and recognize at what stage of the purchase cycle to engage,” says RadiumOne CEO Gurbaksh Chahal.


From “On Smartphones, More Older Folks Make Purchases Than Youngsters”
Internet Retailer (04/17/14) Siwicki, Bill