Guest Analysis: Does Super Sunday Boost Local Electronic Spending?
February 5, 2014 – Super Sunday is one of the most highly anticipated events of the year in the U.S. Every year, 32 teams contend for the opportunity to compete in this event, but the teams involved are not the only competing parties. In fact, a variety of industries compete for business on Super Sunday.
The debate on whether the local and state economy hosting Super Sunday boosts spending can clearly go both ways. On one side, you have observers suggesting that the local economy could see up to a $600 million boost as a result of Super Sunday. On the other hand, you have economists who say that Super Sunday doesn’t boost all that much local spending due to “substitution” (residents and visitors simply shifting their spending to certain categories, instead of increasing their overall consumption) and “leakage” (the tendency for money to circulate out of rather than through a local economy).
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The Strawhecker Group (TSG), founded in 2006, is a management consulting company focused on the global electronic payments industry