Cayan unveils EMV transactions at mag stripe speeds

Payments Technology Innovator Cayan announced Monday the exclusive ChipIQ technology built into its Genius platform will bring EMV processing times up to speed with those of mag stripe transactions. “Looking at the last million transactions we processed on our Genius platform, we consistently see EMV transactions at speeds that rival traditional swipe transactions,” said Cayan…

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Pay by Tattoo – Coming to an Arm Near You

Healthcare technology company MC10, together with custom product solution provider PHC is pioneering a new way to pay, via its Wearable Interactive Stamp Platform” (WiSP™) – essentially, a temporary tattoo. WiSP technology is meant to be paired with a smartphone or other NFC reader, and will allow third-party brands to customize the stamp, tailoring it…

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Guest Analysis: TC40 Data: The Monster under Merchants’ Beds

Merchants who accept credit cards, especially online retailers, are all too familiar with the phenomenon of chargebacks. When a customer claims that a transaction on his or her credit statement is fraudulent, the customer’s issuing bank will demand a refund. Dealing with chargebacks, though, is really only the first of several headaches that a typical…

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