15% of Physical Goods Purchases Are Made With a Mobile Device

Fifteen percent of all retail purchases of physical goods are made using mobile devices, according to an Adyen report. Adyen notes that tablets comprised two-thirds of global mobile retail transactions, while smartphones made up the remaining third. Mobile transactions represented 13.8 percent of all transactions processed by Adyen in April, up from 8.2 percent in June 2012. Adyen says the retail sector has experienced the strongest impact from shoppers transacting on mobile devices while at home. The report also says that Europe was the worldwide leader in April, with 15.3 percent of all transactions made using a mobile device, followed by Asia with 12.4 percent and North America with 11.2 percent. The iPad was the leading platform for mobile transactions globally, representing 6.6 percent of total worldwide transactions in April, up from 3.6 percent in June 2012. IPhone transactions rose from 3.1 percent of all payments in June 2012 to 4.4 percent in April 2013, while Android phone transactions climbed from 1.1 percent to 2 percent.


From “15 Percent of Physical Goods Purchases Are Made With a Mobile Device”
Internet Retailer (06/13/13) Deatsch, Katie